Tuesday, November 19, 2019

End of Season Celebration

Image result for christmas family fun

Good Afternoon Lady Generals Soccer Community,

One of program traditions is to gather together at the end of season to celebrate our players and community members, reflect upon the season, and to share gratitude. I'd love for your and your family to attend this awesome event. Continue reading for details and next steps.

First, the girls wanted to do a little something different this year. Two major things are changing...

1). The girls want to have a Christmas themed banquet so please feel free to dress for the season and to be festive in your Christmas attire. Think ugly Christmas sweater.
2). The end of season celebration will be a two-part event. Our traditional banquet setting will occur from 5:00-6:30PM in TNHS Cafeteria, then Family Fun time will occur from 6:30-10:30PM at TNHS. Family Fun time is a players only event and is optional to attend. The girls are creating an agenda where they'll have time and space to hang out, play games, and watch a movie.

End of Season Celebration Details
Date: Dec. 7, 2019
Part 1: 5:00-6:30PM - Banquet, players and family
Part 2: 6:30-10:30PM - Family Fun - players only, optional to attend
Place: TNHS Cafe

During the traditional banquet portion, we will host a potluck meal. The meat will be purchased and bought by the booster club, and then all players will be responsible for bringing at least one side dish to support the meal. We will be having fried chicken and will plan on eating at 5:00PM. Please click on this document to view the side dish that we have requested you to bring. If you have a specialty dish that you would like to bring in lieu of the requested dish, then please do so.

Next Steps For Players
  1. Discuss the banquet with your family and determine how many people will be attending from your party.
  2. One of the goals at the banquet is to celebrate each individual player and the gifts that they bring to our team. Players will be partnered together where you will then be responsible for reflecting about your partner and identifying what you appreciate about them and how they contribute to our program. At the banquet, you will read the celebrations that you have identified for your partner. Reference this document for official details of the Player Gift Showcase.
  3. Fill out this Google Form to communicate attendance and gift showcase pairings.
  4. Character Awards - We will honor select individuals for demonstrating outstanding character throughout the course of the season. All players will have an opportunity to vote for student-athletes who best exemplified the traits described for each award. Before you vote, please read the descriptions for each award - the descriptions can be found within the Google Forms. The following awards will be distributed: Higher Purpose Award, Community Award, Team over Individual Award, Pursuit of Excellence Award, and the LEADER Award. Votes must be received by Tuesday, Nov. 26. PLAYER Awards - Vote Here
  5. Uniform Collection - all player uniforms should be properly washed, bagged, and returned at the banquet. Players who fail to return their uniform or parts of their uniform will have a charge placed on their student account until it is returned or purchased. 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Taylor Martin Memorial Game - September 9, 2019

Nearly four years ago, our community lost a dear friend, teammate, and Original General as Taylor Martin was taken from us on September 10th, 2015. Taylor embodied LEADERship through peacemaking, care, and friendship. To honor and celebrate her life, Thomas Nelson High School will host the Nelson County Lady Cards in our annual Taylor Martin Memorial Game. Led by the Legacy Core and Student Organization Council, the goal of this event is to bring together all members of the community to connect and celebrate, much like Taylor was able to do in her own life. Entry into the Memorial Game and its aligned activities will be donation-based, and all proceeds from the game will go directly to the Taylor Martin Memorial Scholarship Foundation.

The Game
The evening will feature a varsity soccer match between the Lady Cardinals of Nelson County and the Lady Generals of Thomas Nelson. The varsity game will begin at 7:00PM. A pre-game ceremony honoring Taylor's life is set to start at 6:45PM. Soccer alums of both Nelson County and Thomas Nelson are invited to participate in the ceremony.

Food and Social
We will host an "Ignite the Memory" social and tailgate to create a space for all members of the community to gather and connect before the game and throughout the evening. The social is set to begin at 5:30PM, and it will include food, drinks, games, and other activities. We will not host typical concessions so the social will serve as the main hub to get food and drinks. All food served at the game will be available to the public and will be sold on a donation-basis.

We will also sell t-shirts that commemorate the Memorial Game and celebrate Taylor's life. The shirts will sell for $10.00, and profits from the sales will go to the scholarship foundation. See the image below for a rough sketch of the shirts. This year's shirts will be gray with purple font. Special thanks to Apparel and Awards Factory for getting these done so quickly.

Taylor Martin Memorial Scholarship Foundation
Finally, we have established a scholarship foundation to honor Taylor's life - The Taylor Martin Memorial Scholarship Foundation seeks to raise $10,000 contributing to an annual $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior. This scholarship will be awarded to a senior female that represents peacemaking, CARE, and LEADERship. 2017 scholarship recipients were Laken Culver and Michaela Johnson, 2018 recipients were Julia Rogers and Grace Frederick, and the 2019 recipients were Maddie Byrd and Sabastian Downs.

How Can You Help Support?
All products to support the events described above have been ordered and purchased. Therefore, the main supports we need from our community are people to work the stations described above. We will need approximately 16-20 adult community members to support. Please reference our sign-up document (CLICK HERE) to review the supporting roles and to sign-up to work an event.

Next Steps: 
  1. CLICK HERE and share this information through a Facebook Post to help spread the word about the Taylor Martin Memorial Game. Encourage others to attend as well. All proceeds from the game go to the Taylor Martin Memorial Scholarship Foundation.
  2. Provide your support during the game and sign up to work an event.
  3. If you choose to write a check for your donation, please make checks out to "Taylor Martin Memorial Scholarship Foundation".
  4. Please reach to Coach Martin if you additional comments or questions.
Thank you for your support.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Order Lady Generals Soccer Gear

Hello Lady Generals Soccer Community,

Finally, here are some options for team apparel! Review the options listed below if you would like to purchase Lady Generals Soccer apparel. All purchases are 100% optional, purchase all or none of the options - whatever makes sense for you and your family. Please let me know if you have any questions. The instructions for purchasing are listed for each option.

  1. BSN Team Shop - click on THIS FLYER to review the items available for purchase. On the flyer there will be a "Shop Now" option in the bottom right corner. Click on that link and navigate through the shop. You will purchase online with your card and then these items will be shipped to TNHS where I will distribute your purchases to your daughter. These items can be purchased by parents or players. All orders must be placed BEFORE August 28 at midnight.
  2. Community Supporter T-Shirt - Parents and community supporters can purchase this t-shirt from 3D Graphics for $15 by completing these steps: a). Bring $15 to the next game. b). Give your money and size shirt to Niki Howard by Tuesday, August 27th. c). We'll place one big order and distribute whenever they come in. 
  3. All players will receive a dri-fit warm-up shirt for FREE. We will purchase this shirt with our Girls Soccer Funds and we should have these items in within the next week or two.

NRGize our community by purchasing items that make sense for you and your family. Please text or call Coach Alex Martin if you have any questions or concerns.


Alex Martin

Monday, July 15, 2019

TNHS Lady Generals Partner with South Nelson Youth Soccer to Host Soccer Camp

The TNHS Lady Generals Soccer Team is partnering with the South Nelson Youth Soccer Association to present our second annual Youth Soccer Camp.

The camp is scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 27th from 9:00AM-12:00. The camp will occur at the New Haven Soccer Fields located directly behind The New Haven School. Address for the event is 489 High St. New Haven, KY. Boys or Girls, ages 4-13, are welcome to participate. We will have free pizza and drinks for participants at the conclusion of the camp. Current Lady Generals, TNHS coaching staff, SNYSA, and volunteers will work closely with the youth players on skill development and competitive games. Cost: $10 per participant. All proceeds will go directly to SNYSA to help fund equipment.

Contact Melanie Rogers at 502.460.0786 or Alex Martin if you have questions or concerns.

CLICK HERE to complete the initial sign-up process. Please fill out this form multiple times if you have more than one child who will be participating in the camp.

  • You will be required to sign a medical release form before your child can participate. These forms can be found on our CAMP FLYER or they will be available on-site during registration. Registration will begin at 8:30AM on July 27th.
  • All participants should bring cleats, shin guards, water bottle, soccer ball, and tennis shoes.
  • Please pass along to others who may be interested.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

What do I need to know going into the 2019 soccer season?

Hello Lady Generals Soccer Community,

The fall 2019 soccer season is fast approaching - official start date for our fall season occurs on July 10th! To ensure you are prepared for the season ahead, please review the items listed on THIS DOCUMENT. Embedded within the document are important links for the fall season, important dates, and necessary action steps that all players need to complete before the season begins. Please review the document and text or call Coach Alex Martin if you have questions or concerns. Go Generals!

Alex Martin
TNHS Head Girls Soccer Coach