Wednesday, November 8, 2017

How to Best Support our End of Season Celebration Banquet

As another season has drawn to a close, there are a variety of end of the season items that need to be addressed.

First, we will host an end of the season celebration to commemorate our season and our Lady Generals Soccer community. This celebration will occur on Sunday, November 12th from 5:00-6:30PM at TNHS Cafeteria. The event will center around connecting with one another, celebrating the gifts of our players, and reflecting upon our season. To ensure its success, I will need the following support from our community:
  1. The banquet will be a potluck meal. The meat will be purchased and bought by the booster club, and then all players will be responsible for bringing at least one side dish to support the meal. We will be having fried chicken and will plan on eating at 5:00PM. Please click on this document to view the item that we have requested you to bring. If you have a specialty dish that you would like to bring, please feel free to make adjustments to the sheet.
  2. Uniform Collection - all player uniforms (BOTH old and new uniform) should be properly washed, bagged, and returned AT the banquet. When uniforms were distributed at the beginning of the season it was documented what pieces of the TNHS uniform was given to you to use; all parts of your uniform must be returned. Players who fail to return their uniform or parts of their uniform will have a charge placed on their student account until it is returned or purchased. 
Stay tuned for additional posts if necessary. Please reach out to me or a Legacy Core member if you need assistance completing the tasks outlined above.

Monday, November 6, 2017

End of Season Celebration - Banquet Attendance

Reminder that our end of season celebration banquet will take place this Sunday, November 12 from 5:00-6:30PM at TNHS cafeteria. Please communicate how many will be attending the banquet from your party on THIS GOOGLE FORM. Even if you have scheduling conflicts and as a result will not be able to attend, please communicate by filling out this form. These numbers will be utilized to determine how much chicken to order.

Additionally, please check the blog in the next few days to see how parents can support the end-of-season celebration. Stay tuned.

Friday, November 3, 2017

Vote For Player Character Awards

  1. Character Awards - At our upcoming end-of-season celebration, we will honor select individuals for demonstrating outstanding character throughout the course of the season. All players will have an opportunity to vote for student-athletes who best exemplified the traits described for each award. We will have one representative from both the JV and Varsity teams be recognized for each award. Before you vote, please read the descriptions for each award below so you know what we're looking for. Varsity team members will vote for the varsity awards, while JV team members will vote for the JV awards. If you were a dual player, then you will vote for both. 
    • Higher Purpose Award - A player who exemplifies these characteristics played for a higher purpose. They did not use the game to just compete and win, but they used the game to help prepare them for life. They sought excellence in all areas - in the classroom, outside of school in their community, as a person, and as a player.
    • Community Award - A player who exemplifies these characteristics has invested a lot of energy into building the community within our program. They reached out to develop relationships with ALL of our teammates. They reached out to help support others on and off of the field. They were a consistent positive life force - someone others wanted to be around.
    • Team over Individual Award - A player who exemplified these characteristics ALWAYS placed the needs of the team above their own needs. They would sacrifice their own self-interest for the greater good of the team. They played for the name on the front of the jersey, not the back of the jersey.
    • Pursuit of Excellence Award - A player who exemplified these characteristics consistently looked to themselves for ways to improve. They consistently worked to get better by focusing on the small things. They never settled for "that was good enough". They pushed the tempo in practice and they constantly pushed themselves and the team to improve.
    • LEADER Award - A player who exemplified these characteristics was a true LEADER on our team and to our program. Others looked up to this person and they were a player who you would follow. They represented and lived our LEADER values on a consistent basis.
    • JV PLAYER AWARDS - Vote Here      
    • VARSITY PLAYER Awards - Vote Here
NOTE: You MUST submit your vote by Friday, November 3rd, 3:15PM!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Generals CARE - Fundraiser Benefit for Logan Chevalier

Nelson County Soccer Community,

The Nelson County Youth Soccer League is hosting a 3v3 soccer tournament as a fundraiser benefit for Logan Chevalier. This fall I had the privilege to work with Logan as I helped coach Eli's U8 rec soccer team, and Logan is the nicest and most kindhearted individual that you'll ever meet. Logan and his family received heartbreaking news as he has recently been diagnosed with Leukemia and is currently staying at Kosair hospital.

To help raise money for his family during this time of need, NCYSA is hosting a 3v3 soccer tournament at Dean Watts Park on November 18th. Each team will consist of no more than 6 players. This will be a one day event at Dean Watts Park. To sign up for this event, fill out the attached form (CLICK HERE) and bring your money to Coach Martin OR report to Dean Watts concession stand during the time frames listed below.

Thursday, November 2, 4:30-6:30PM
Friday, November 3, 5:30-7:30PM
Thursday, November 9 4:30-6:30PM
Saturday, November 11 from 1:00-3:00PM

The deadline to sign up is November 12th. Please contact Vickie Fulkerson at 502.507.0462 if you have additional questions or concerns. Finally, please help spread this information by passing this along to others.


Alex Martin