Thursday, September 29, 2016

Upcoming Events - Including Senior Night Preparations

During our last regular season home game, our TNHS Athletics Department and our girls soccer program will create a time and space to honor our senior girls for the gifts and commitments that they have contributed to our program. There are a number of items that are occurring behind the scene to make it a memorable night. However, we are requesting our soccer community's support with a few items.

First, we are requesting the presence of all underclassmen players (middle school, freshman, sophomore, and junior players) to join in on creating "run-throughs" for senior night. The run-throughs were a huge hit last year as they help build enthusiasm for the game and they're a joy to watch the girls run through them. The girls will work together to decorate these poster run-throughs on Friday, September 30 from 3:30-5:30PM at TNHS in Mr. Hoyes Art Room. (Note: there will NOT be practice held during this time).

Next, the TNHS Lady Generals Soccer Team will host a senior night meal for our senior girls and coaches. We are requesting underclassmen parents to bring ANY of the items listed on the document below. The meal is set to begin at 4:30, and therefore any food items would need to be dropped off at 4:00. We would also like for 2-3 parents to assist in the setup and cleanup of this event. Please sign-up on THIS DOCUMENT or contact one of the group LEADERs if you can bring an item or if you would like to assist. Parent LEADERs in charge of this event include Carole Bryan (502)827-4604, Tiffany Wimsett (502)827-4674, and Sherry Thompson Meador (502)827-1149.

Finally, on a different note, tonight's boys-girls doubleheader match is also Future Generals Night! Young athletes who participate in youth soccer within our area will be highlighted and celebrated between tonight's games. Youth soccer players who wear their youth uniform to the game tonight will get free admission (parents must pay admission) and they will be celebrated between our matches. Please help spread the word and let's work together to build enthusiasm for the sport. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Taylor Martin Memorial Game

Nearly one year ago, our community lost a dear friend, teammate, and Original General as Taylor Martin was taken from us on September 10th, 2015. Taylor embodied the notion of LEADERship through peacemaking, CARE, and friendship. Through collaboration with our Legacy Core team and our TNHS LEADERship team, we have identified our home match vs. Nelson County on September 12, 2016 as the "Taylor Martin Memorial Game" to honor and celebrate her life.

We intend to make September 12th a day of remembrance and celebration as we have a variety of unique activities planned for that afternoon. First, we intend to make this a community celebration and we want to invite all members of our community to this event. Our school community will be hosting House Tailgate to create a space for students and community members to gather and connect before the game. The House Tailgate is planned to take place next to the tennis courts and is set to begin at 5:00PM. TNHS plans to provide and grill hamburgers and hot dogs for the tailgate, however, a few other items have been requested to ensure its success. If you would like to bring something (soft drinks, water, cups, chips, pop-up tent, etc) to the House Tailgate, please add your item or suggestion to this document.

Finally, we have established a scholarship foundation to honor Taylor's life. The Taylor Martin Memorial Scholarship Foundation seeks to raise $10,000 contributing to an annual $1,000 scholarship to a graduating senior over the next 10 years. This scholarship will be awarded to a senior female that represents peacemaking, CARE, and LEADERship. ALL proceeds from the September 12th game and its aligned events will go directly to the scholarship foundation.

Next Steps for our Lady Generals Community
  1. Please help spread the word about the Taylor Martin Memorial Game. All proceeds from the game and its events will go directly to the scholarship foundation. Game times for the September 12th game are JV - 6:00PM, Varsity - 7:30PM.
  2. Review the House Community Tailgate list and contribute items as you see fit.
  3. We also need two additional community partners to work concessions during the varsity game and two ball boys/girls to support during the JV game. Please add your name to this document if you wish to support.
  4. Please reach to Coach Martin if you additional comments or questions.
  5. Special thanks to Senior and Legacy Core Member Claire Hicks for helping organize this special event!