9.16.14 - Weekend Schedule Updates
Lady Generals Soccer Community,
Happy Tuesday, and hello again! I'm receiving several questions about the scheduling of different events which are taking place over the course of the next week, and for good reason, as we have a lot going on! See below for important updates.
- Wednesday, Sept. 17
- 3:10-3:50 - All Lady Generals report to a tutoring session at TN.
- 4:00-5:30 - Regularly scheduled practice on game field.
- Thursday, Sept. 18 - Soccer match at South Oldham (click on this link for address to the HS).
- We will be taking a bus to and from this game. This bus will leave around 4:15.
- 6:00 PM - official start of JV game
- 7:45 PM - official start of varsity game
- Saturday, Sept. 20 - Donley Classic at Madisonville, KY - Varsity only matches
- 1:00 PM (EST) - Varsity match vs. Graves Co. - We will be wearing white uniforms.
- 8:00 PM (EST) - Varsity match vs. Madisonville - We will be wearing white uniforms.
- Follow this link for an address to the complex for this tournament.
- We will not be taking a bus to this event. It is approximately a 2.5 hour drive. Please contact me if you will need assistance getting your daughter to the game.
- Sunday, Sept. 21
- 5:00-6:30 - Sunday practice because we have a match the next day.
- Monday, Sept. 22 - Soccer match at home vs. Shelby Co.
- 5:30 PM - official start of JV game
- 7:00 PM - official start of varsity game
- Tuesday, Sept. 23 - DAY of REST - No game and no practice.
- Wednesday, Sept. 24 - Back to normal schedule with practice.
Additional Details
On Thursday, with the match against South Oldham, the girls will be allowed to leave with their parents after the game as long as they complete the "sign-out" sheet before leaving. This will be a typical protocol where we know where all of the girls are going, and we know who is responsible for each girl.
I am aware that we have several parents working the Bourbon Festival Friday afternoon and Friday night, and that this could cause transportation issues getting girls from practice Friday. However, we have two big games on Saturday, and as a result we will have a varsity only practice this Friday. I ask that you find a way to solve your transportation issues if you have them, however, please use common sense.
Saturday's double header is a tournament event in which the following teams will be competing: Thomas Nelson, Nelson County, Graves County, and Madisonville. A point system will be created and based upon the results of the matches, a winner will be determined. All girls participating from will receive a free tee shirt. Additionally, the booster club who is hosting this event will feed all of our girls following our first match.
Please contact if you have questions or concerns.
Alex Martin